Elements of 30Rs of relationship marketing:

Classic market relationships
R1The classic dyad – the relationship between supplier and the customer
R2The classic triad – the drama of the customer-supplier-competitor triangle
R3The classic network – distribution channels
Special market relationships
R4Relationships via full-time and part-time marketers – marketing and sales department and all others who influence the customer relationship directly or indirectly
R5The service encounter – interaction between the customer and service provider
R6The many-headed customer and the many-headed supplier – all contact personel involved in the relationship
R7The relationship to the customers customer – help your customer sell more through and understanding of its customers
R8The close versus the distant relationship
R9The relationship to the dissatisfied customer
R10The monopoly relationship: the customer or supplier as prisoners
R11The customer as “member” – enlisted as member through loyalty programme
R12The electronic relationshiå
R13Parasocial relationships – relationships to mental images and symbols, for example, to brand names and corporate identities
R14The non-commercial relationship – the non-commercial sector
R15The green relationship – environment and helath issues
R16The law-based relationship – relationship based on legal contracts
R17The criminal network
Mega relationships
R18Personal and social networks – often influence business
R19Mega marketing – seeking relationships with governments, legislators, influence individuals and others to make operations feasible
R20Alliances change the market mechanism – sometimes alliances are necessary to make the market work
R21The knowledge relationship – knowledge acquisition drives many alliances
R22Mega alliances change the basic conditions for marketing – for example, the European Union (EU), or the North America Free Trade Organisation (NAFTA), or the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
R23The mass media relationship
Nano relationships
R24Market mechanisms are brought inside a company – for example, profit centres inside a company
R25Internal customer – relationships between internal customers and suppliers
R26Quality provides a bridge between operations management and marketing
R27Internal marketing – relationships with the “employee market”
R28The two-dimensional matrix relationship – inter-relationships caused by new ways of organising, for example, product management and sales will have overlapping reporting responsibilities
R29The relationship to external providers of marketing servces
R30The owner and financier relationship


Lists the 30 types of relationships vithin relationship marketing


Collaboration or competition strategy

Overall vision and strategy influence

Prioritizing which relationships to develop and sustain (strategic groups, local or national competitive advantage Porter, 1990)

Benefits to supply in relationship and resource allocation (customer clubs etc, creation of learning and knowledge when sharing, brand value)

Product , service and investment in relationship (joint development and customization, relationship as an asset)

Organisational structure in relationship (key-account management and back office organisation, implementation plans in organisation)


To determine the appropriateness of relationship marketing

Source of 30Rs of relationship marketing:
Gummesson, E.1999Total Relationship Marketing, Marketing Management, Relationship Strategy,CRM, and a New Dominant Logic for the Value-creating Network Economy