Elements of A “Multi-dimensional” relationship marketing ladder of customer loyalty:
PASSIVE relationship -> Existence of need -> Realisation of need -> SUSPECT Problem recognition ->Information search -> PROSPECT Evaluation ->Choise -> CUSTOMER -> CLIENT Post purchase review -> SUPPORTER -> ADVOCATE
Differentiate the Active Relationship with Emphasis on NEW customers and RELATIONSHIP enhancement in keeping customers
Staff training crucial

Managing education and change of customer perceptions
- Openness
- Mutual relationship objectives
- Appreciation of processes in supplying firm
Key activities:
Choosing customers
Best practice of relationships
Reward systems
Global trends to grow customers
Account plans more important than sales plan, and marketing plan
Relationship productivity
Cross industry research (new technologies)
To analyse/develop relationship loyalty
Source of A “Multi-dimensional” relationship marketing ladder of customer loyalty:
(Donaldson & O’Toole, 2007: constructed from ideas from Donaldson, 1990 – Christopher et al, 1991 – Stone & Woodcock, 1995)