Elements of Strategy Evaluation – Selection Criteria:
Appropriateness, Feasibility, Desirability
Factors influencing effectiveness of strategy
A – start left & end right
F – start up & end down
D – start up & end down
Qualitative vs financial judgement
Time evaluating vs first mover
A- Some factors relate upon more than just one criteria
A – Reactive or proactive strategy compared to emerging trends
A – Resource or Opportunity based strategy
A – Positive enthusiasm (desirability influence)
F – Capability to change
F – KSF defined in industry, customer demand etc.
F – Competitor response
F – handling opportunity and risk (change takes time, stakeholders, ongoing modifications)
D – ROI in technology, A&M, R&D, organisational change
D – diversification or focus, technology skills and KSF, managerial ability and competence, environment
D – acceptance of risk, power and influence
Evaluate current and future strategies effectiveness
Source of Strategy Evaluation – Selection Criteria:
Thompson and Martin (2010)