Appendix 7 – Best Practice Template
To be more successful in environmental strategy selection and implementation, it is suggested that you follow the two continuous processes (road-map’s) and the best practice template below.
Stakeholder Alignment Path:

Follow the stakeholder alignment path (green arrows) and refer to seven of Laszlo’s Eight Disciplines (blue numbers), to secure alignment to stakeholders perceived environment and sustainable value creation.
Use the best practice guidelines in this appendix to increase alignment to stakeholders in the Danish concrete industry.
Business Case Alignment Path:
See the figures 7, 19 and 15 in readable sizes in the main chapters.

Follow the strategy creation path (green arrows), and use the analysis in Appendix 10 to evaluate the Suitability, Feasibility and Acceptability of the Specific Factors influencing successful sustainable Strategy Selection (red arrows).
Best practice guidelines:

Author’s own creation based on research findings.

Author’s own creation based on research findings.
Update the guidelines with your business specific issues and the learning points of your own in practical use.