Goodpaster and Matthews (1982)

General Review:

Describes the corporate conscience based on comparison to a persons moral influencing the decisions of profit vs social responsibility.

Core Theory (logical explanation or testable model of interaction):

Projection of the concept of personal moral responsibility is applicable to corporations as agents in society.

Core concepts (abstract idea or a mental symbol):

The casual sense (Accountable): Someone to blame – He is responsible

The rule-following sense: Something has to be done – He is a …he is responsible to act

The decision-making sense: Trustworthiness – He is a responsible person

  • Rational decisions – calculating own benefit of decision
  • Respect decisions – calculation effect on others of decision

Core framework (structure used to outline, address or solve complex issues):

Core models (pattern, plan or description showing main object or workings of concept):

Methods used:

Case and literature.


Relatedness to objective:

Relatedness to questions:

Arguments/points made (set of one or more declarative sentences):


Friedman p141 as competitive free market forces is to produce “high quality at least cost, to deliver it on time, and to satisfy its customers and stockholders.”

