Makover (1994)
General Review:
Summons up the development and understanding of business ethics, and social responsibility from 1920s until resent years. Case stories are used as illustration of resent years CSR initiatives.
Core Theory (logical explanation or testable model of interaction):
P17 Employees function best when they do meaningful jobs at fair wages…. Etc
Companies function best over long run when…etc
Corporate reputation…etc
P20 Links social responsibility with underlying social and business rationales. Without a solid foundation even most well-intentioned socially responsible practices will have limited duration and impact.
P22 “To succeed, any corporate initiative must reflect the organisation’s size, sector, and culture.”
Core concepts (abstract idea or a mental symbol):
Core framework (structure used to outline, address or solve complex issues):
Core models (pattern, plan or description showing main object or workings of concept):
Methods used:
P28 Donham, Wallace B (1927) The Social Significance of Business, Harvard Business Review, “”Our usual training in business, still carried on mainly within industry, itself, is too narrow, too much specialized in the particular concern; it gives too few points of view on the social importance of business. No profession can really develop which does not have an intellectual content shaped broadly by many men, and this condition does not yet exist in business.”
Relatedness to objective:
P71 Shopping for a better world – list containing benefits: HIGHER, operating income growth, sales generation ratios, PE, ROI, ROCE, asset growth
P72-73 examples of benefits according to data collection
P148 “And as companies are finding, employees are willing to work hard for environmental change – if they are made partners in the process, and if they can share the success.”
Relatedness to questions:
P303 includes a Corporate Reputation/Responsibility Assessment T
Arguments/points made (set of one or more declarative sentences):
P12 concludes that “there is no consensus on a definition of the term “socially responsible.” Far from it.”
P15 distinguish between social marketing and responsibility “More than a few companies have attempted to create an image of responsibility by employing slick advertisements that often leave the viewer or reader wondering what business the company is really in.”
P21 “one of the most socially responsible things most companies can do is to be profitable”