Vogel (2006)
Vogel (2006) General Review: Standpoints centred more on the company and its management. Focuses on both potential and cost. Describes and analyses CSR development and transformation resent years and discusses…
Vogel (2006) General Review: Standpoints centred more on the company and its management. Focuses on both potential and cost. Describes and analyses CSR development and transformation resent years and discusses…
Werther & Chandler (2006) General Review: Core Theory (logical explanation or testable model of interaction): Pxxii Believes that the scope of CSR, “Is a mosaic of issues. Which issues are…
Frederick (2006) General Review: Historic review of CSR, the development in society and the CSR theory progress that have made CSR what it is today. Core Theory (logical explanation or…
Basu & Palazzo (2008) General Review: Highlights the need for further empirical inquiry to analyse CSR in a different way than the general CSR examination of why-what-how. They point at…
Goodstein and Wicks (2007) General Review: Highlights the role of stakeholders in ethics of corporations, and arguments that this is a two-way relationship, where stakeholders are to be responsible for…
Goodpaster and Matthews (1982) General Review: Describes the corporate conscience based on comparison to a persons moral influencing the decisions of profit vs social responsibility. Core Theory (logical explanation or…
McMillan et al (2004) General Review: Links Corporate Governance, Corporate Reputation and Corporate Responsibility and argue that relationship focus will allow directors to manage complex areas in practical ways, and…
Porter and Kramer (2002) General Review: Core Theory (logical explanation or testable model of interaction): P31 “Corporations can use their charitable efforts to improve their competitive context – the quality…
Moss Kanter (1999) General Review: Drawing on examples of success the article illustrates how successful corporate social innovation have paid off to both corporation and society. Core Theory (logical explanation…
Martin (2002) General Review: Explores the form and degrees of corporate virtue by applying a Virtue Matrix that enables management to assess the market forces influencing their ability to act…