Dissertation on CSR

0. MBA Dissertation

“Identifying a best practice template to support managers in strategy selection and implementation towards CSR objectives” BY: John Sohn Word count:17,978 excluding appendices Executive MBA […]


1.1 Topic, Objective and Background 1.1.1 Formal Topic Requirements and Boundaries The dissertation is to meet the formal academic and […]

2.3 Strategy Implementation

2.3 Strategy Implementation Porter & Kramer (2002 p30) state that “The way most corporate philanthropy is practiced today, Friedman is […]

2.4 Literature Review Summary

2.4 Literature Review Summary The literature review has, after an introduction to CSR context, discussed the different academic views of […]

4. Field Research Design

4. Field Research Design This section describes the chosen research methodology and justifies it based on research literature. Details are […]

5.2.3 Levels of Internationalisation

5.2.3 Levels of Internationalisation 1 c) Do different levels of internationalisation strongly influence strategic intent? The interdependence between internationalisation and […]

5.3 Strategy Implementation

5.3 Strategy Implementation The theoretical proposition resulted in development of a hypothesis that was to be tested by the research […]

6. Research Findings

 6. Research Findings To achieve the research objective and to develop a best practice template that supports business managers to […]

7. Conclusion and Recommendation

 7. Conclusion and Recommendation Two hypotheses designed to achieve the research objective were tested and discussed under the research findings. […]